Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fellowship for PhD Students at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis , Netharlands


Located at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Amsterdam, the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) is an interdisciplinary research institute that brings together scholars active in literature, philosophy, visual culture, religious studies, film and media studies, argumentation theory and science dynamics. Specialists in their own respective fields, ASCA’s members share a commitment to working within an interdisciplinary framework and to maintaining a close connection with contemporary cultural and political debates in society at large. Within ASCA they have joined forces to provide a stimulating environment for scholars, professionals, and graduate students from the Netherlands and abroad. As part of its research programme, the institute supervises PhD projects, offers seminars and professional training, and hosts yearly workshops and conferences.


Applicants must have a completed MA degree in a field relevant to the proposed PhD project and the research areas of ASCA before the start date of the fellowship.

Scholarships deadline

15 Desember 2011

for more information and application click VIEWS OF ADO

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