Showing posts with label water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label water. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: 2012 World Water Week in Stockholm calls for abstracts and event proposals

 The 2012 World Water Week in Stockholm now launches its 1st Announcement, inviting organisations, institutions and individuals to submit event proposals and abstracts. The upcoming Week will explore global “Water and Food Security”, taking a closer look at the political, social and scientific implications of increasing inequalities, growing demands and climate change on food production and water efficiency.

Proposals are also welcome from organisations and institutions who wish to host a seminar or a side event at the 2012 World Water Week. In line with the thematic focus of the 2012 World Water Week in Stockholm on Water and Food Security, SIWI especially welcomes proposals on issues that relate to food security and water that are not covered by the workshops.
Proposals are welcome from organisations who wish to host a seminar or a side-event at the 2012 World Water Week. By hosting an event, organisations can engage a wide range of stakeholders in discussions and debate around a specific issue of their choice. SIWI encourages convenors to collaborate with other organisations as co-conveners in order to facilitate partnerships and allowing for a diversity of perspectives.
  • Abstracts for oral and poster presentations for the World Water Week’s workshops are welcome from experts and actors in different disciplines.
  • Prospective authors are encouraged to submit an abstract in English for review by the Scientific Programme Committee. The abstract should:
  1. Include five keywords
  2. Provide advance knowledge of/innovation within the subject
  3. Show the practical applications of the content of the paper
  4. Demonstrate the replicability of the procedures or practices described in the paper
  • The abstract should be text only (no graphics), focusing on results and contain up to 6,000 characters, including blank spaces. In addition, it should include a biography of the author containing up to 1,000 characters, including blank spaces.
  • Abstracts which do not adhere to the above requirements will not be considered.
  • The submitter must also identify the workshop in which the paper would be presented from those listed below:
  1. Best use of blue water resources for food security
  2. Rainfed production under growing rain variability: Closing the yield gap
  3. Safeguarding global food security and life supporting ecosystems
  4. Health and food security
  5. Securing water and food in an urbanizing world
  6. Towards a green economy: The water-food-energy nexus
Deadline:February 15, 2012.
Countries/Region: All countries
For more information, visit Here

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