Saturday, October 22, 2011

Applications for 2013 Knight Fellowships open

The Knight Fellowships awards up to nine fellowships each year to journalists from outside the United States who have already done first-rate work and who have the potential of great impact in journalism in their home countries. The program has revised its selection process to reflect a new emphasis on journalistic innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership, including an emphasis on developing and strengthening press freedoms around the world.
The overall goal for international fellows is the same as those from the U.S. - an engaged, informed public. We are paying special attention to countries where the obstacles to this goal may be more acute than in the U.S. because of government or other powerful forces opposed to free expression.
The program is seeking journalists from countries where the news media can work as a significant agent of change, both in nurturing a free press and fostering innovation. At the same time, we will continue to seek international journalists from countries with a more robust press, especially those who would focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Eligibility and Selection

Applicants ideally will have at least five years of full-time professional experience, but applicants with less experience yet outstanding achievements will also be considered. There are no educational prerequisites. No college degree is required.
Applicants should fall into one of these categories (or some combination of them):
  • Full-time journalists
  • Journalism entrepreneurs and innovators
  • Journalism business and management executives

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